The Spooky Halloween event has started on Marvel Heroes! During this even Marvel Heroes will have special Halloween Mystery Bags that have a bunch of goodies that include a guaranteed random hero or costume. I purchased 5 Halloween Mystery Bags and got Emma and Task Master, and three costumes - all of which I never had before. On top of that I good the exclusive Brood Wolverine team up! He is pretty awesome as you can see in the video and will go along perfectly with Ghost Rider. Moreover, there is currently a 66.6% server side boost to EXP, RIF, and SIF server... talk about scary!!!
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Playing what was formerly known as Ghost Recon: Online, Ghost Recon:
Phantoms totally revamps what was originally a cluster-fuck of a game.
Phantoms brings you the same quality gameplay, but with a new name. I
was playing with the Recon class because this was the only class I
bothered to play during the beta last year.
Phantoms Expansion Changes:
- Completely new GUI
- New textures for weapons and maps
- Steam integration
- Game values, such as prices, have changed
if you disliked the game when it was under the GR: Online name, chances
are you will still not find the game fun. The core gameplay mechanics
remain nigh unchanged, and this is what needed the most work in my
opinion. Sure, changing the games aesthetics help a bit, but I'm in it
for the gameplay, not the graphics.
Marvel Heroes released the Silver Surfer a while back but I just thought I would update this site! Silver Surfer recently got updated in the 1.2 patch but the new power and other power changes still leave much to be desired.